Sunday, March 1, 2009

3rd Annual Camp Springs Herbst Tour

Herbst Tour organizers are busy planning the 3rd Annual event slated for October 18, 2009. Don Wiedeman (635-2228) and Mike Enzweiler (635-7547) are accepting calls from folks interested in participating this year. We'd love to hear your thoughts on the 1st two tours.
Did you attend? Will you come back? What did you like about them?

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Greetings and welcome to this blog about Camp Springs, Kentucky!

To get started, I've borrowed a few items from our Guestbook section where folks are looking for information on specific Camp Springs' items, families and topics.

We'll also include polls from time to time to measure your thoughts on specific questions and concerns.

If you have suggestions on what you'd like to see posted here, please e-mail me at

Thank you and enjoy the day!

Joe Zink

Friday, February 20, 2009

Blenke Family

This post is from a 9/25/08 e-mail to from John S. Blenke in Mango, Florida

I'm once again embarking on my genealogy search journey for information on the Blenke Family of Camp Springs. I visited the area recently for my sister's 50th Wedding Anniversary and had the opportunity to drive the "Stone House Trail" about 6 times in both directions! My brother Larry and I have a renewed interest in the Camp Springs area and our families roots since his recent visit to Austria to meet the Blenke families in Feldkirch, Austria seemingly the ancestral home of all Blenke's. We should have an extensive family tree web page up within a week or so depicting the results of our efforts so far and would appreciate any light you may be able to shed on the family's fairly interesting past.

Camp Springs cemetaries

This post comes from a 6/24/08 e-mail to from Buck Seibert

I am currently looking for a couple more cemeteries in the Camp Springs area. One is on 10 mile road. I have really good information that it was there. Will have to visit to verify if anything is left. I just heard about the other on this weekend. It is or was on the hill to the east of the old Schuchter farm at the corner of Nine Mile and Four Mile Pike. I think the property now belongs to Fred Mashinot Jr. per the PVA web site. The story is that there were graves on that hill marked only with field stones. We are interested in them even if we can't readily identify who might be buried there. We found about 50 such graves near the corner of Tug Fork and Four Mile. Just to the east of St. John's Church. It contains five rows of field stones all in a nice row. Right now, we are calling it the Tucker Cemetery. That could change as we learn more. There is another in that area that has been referred to as the Greene Cemetery and it was on the Uthe farm. We haven't be able to locate that one. If you hear of any of these old cemeteries I would appreciate a heads up so Marvin Record and I can investigate. Oh, there is also one somewhere on the Neltner farm. Several people remember seeing the stones but we haven't located that one either.

Regular Baptist Church

This post comes from a 6/18/08 e-mail to from Buck Seibert

Visited the Camp Springs web site and noticed the story about the Regular Baptist Church. It was mentioned that you had not located this cemetery. For several reasons, I believe this cemetery is the 12 Mile Baptist Church Island Cemetery in 12 Mile Creek. Once called Well's Creek, the cemetery at that location was served by Jesse Beagle. There was once a headstone in this cemetery for the wife of Jesse Beagle. Also, I have found a broken headstone in this location that says "member of the Regular Baptist Church". I will attach a photo. It is not very clear, I should return with my brush and baking flour to make the inscription stand out. I do not believe this is too much of a stretch to have called this the 4 mile Baptist Church. I believe the area was referred to as 4 mile even if it was on another creek. I have also found very early records which call 4 mile creek Salima creek. This is in one of the old deed books in the County Clerks Office in Alexandria. More information supporting my claim can be found here: A partial list of those buried in the Island Church Cemetery can be found here: I hope this helps and I would be interested in your opinion on the subject.

John Richard Groeschen

This post is from a 5/16/08 e-mail to from John R. Groeschen Jr. of Saint Petersburg, Florida

Hey Folks,
My name is John Groeschen Jr. My father was John Richard Groeschen. He was the son of George J. Groeschen and Florence Reitmann. My father and me loved to read Don's history of this part of Campbell County. My dad would tell all kinds of storys of the Steffens and Enzweilers from his youth. Many of them were his cousins. My dad recently passed away after a brief illness and as he requested I will be bringing him home soon. He often spoke of days he spent running the back roads and was particurly fond of the area around Tugfork Rd.were his father owned some property. He was born in 1934 at 46 East Alexandria Pike in Cold Spring in a large stone house that his father built. He had 14 brothers and sisters many of whom still live in the area.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Do you know the history of Gunkel Road?

A recent inquiry to comes from Pam Gunkel:

Do you know the history of the road named “Gunkel”? My great great Grandfather’s family lived in Camp Springs around the 1840’s. A lot of them are buried at St. Josephs.